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About Arval

ARVAL SLO­VA­KIA is part of the inter­na­ti­onal ARVAL group, which was foun­ded in 1989. It ope­ra­tes in 29 coun­tries (in anot­her 17 through par­tners) and mana­ges almost 1,200,000 vehic­les. It is a 100% sub­si­dia­ry of the worl­d’s lea­ding ban­king group BNP Pari­bas.

We belie­ve that eve­ry­o­ne should be able to move fre­e­ly in a rapid­ly chan­ging world. We pro­vi­de mobi­li­ty for more than 8,000 dri­vers eve­ry day. We used to start only as a lea­sing com­pa­ny, but today we are experts in offe­ring and pro­vi­ding vari­ous mobi­li­ty solu­ti­ons for cor­po­ra­te and alre­a­dy pri­va­te cus­to­mers. We can design and imple­ment a sus­tai­nab­le mobi­li­ty poli­cy. We also have kno­wled­ge and expe­rien­ce for this pur­po­se in the inter­nal use of the vehic­le fle­et, eit­her by pro­vi­ding elect­ric cars or by sha­red mobi­li­ty. Our goal is alwa­ys to get our cus­to­mers’ emplo­y­ees to the­ir des­ti­na­ti­on as sus­tai­nab­ly and caref­ree as possib­le. That is why quali­ty and excel­lent ser­vi­ce are alwa­ys para­mount for us.

Why should I choose Arval?

We specialize only in operating leasing

Of cour­se, we could sell lawn mowers, but we’d rat­her focus on what we’re real­ly good at — ope­ra­ting lea­sing. And for more than 17 years. Plus, we enjoy it!

We treat our clients fairly

We are tra­ders-athle­tes, we obser­ve fair play not only on the ten­nis court.

We have the bank’s financial background and security

BNP Pari­bas is a lea­ding Euro­pe­an bank with an inter­na­ti­onal reach. It ope­ra­tes in 72 coun­tries and emplo­ys more than 202,000 peop­le. We spe­ak French accent, but we will unders­tand :)

We excel in a personal approach

We will not take you through the cros­sing, but we will help you cho­ose the best vehic­le and we will also pre­pa­re a favo­rab­le offer for you. We have a quali­ty team and we rely on a per­so­nal app­ro­ach.

We minimize administration

You con­trol all ser­vi­ces easi­ly from your mobi­le pho­ne or on the web. And if you want to talk, of cour­se we also have an info­li­ne, whe­re our col­le­a­gu­es are ful­ly avai­lab­le to you.

We are a leader in the number of managed vehicles

We have been on the Slo­vak mar­ket for some time now, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly sin­ce 2004, and we mana­ge over 8,000 cars. We are thus among the lar­gest in the indus­try. Equ­ip­ping your dre­am car is a bre­e­ze for us.